• +256 (0) 777 504147
  • hello@dds-nk.org
  • Lodon Road, Kotido

Our Programmes

Sustainable Livelihood

The main strategic objective of this result area is to improve household economic resilience for 3,100 households and 3,400 youths in north Karamoja by 2026, and the following results are expected under this strategic objectives. Click header to read more..

Integrated Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)

This strategic objective two is to increase access to and use of Safe water, sanitation and hygiene for 3,100 households and 18,900 persons in north Karamoja by 2026. Objective two will be achieved through achieving the following levels of results and the results will be measured through the respective performance indicators. click header to read more..

Climate Change & Natural Resource Management

Our Human rights intervention aims to support basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the community, regardless of their status, where they are from, what you believe or how they live. Click header to read more..

Cross Cutting Issues

Gender and Social Inclusion

For DDS-NK, gender as cross-cutting issue is based on acknowledgement that, men and women, boys and girls have different priorities, constraints and preferences with respect to their participation in development work. Click header to read more..


For DDS-NK, Advocacy is a change strategy that will cut across the three results areas. We are dedicated to being part and or coordinate public support for the cause of ensuring that necessary resources, policies, bylaws/ ordinances and political will to address the effects of climate change in Karamoja region; food and income poverty. Click header to read more..


To support peace and stability in a continually fragile environment like in Karamoja, conflict sensitivity must be interlinked into our activities as possible. In this vein, DDS-NK program actions will always be informed by conflict analysis and the interaction that programs will have on this context. Click header to read more..


DDS-NK is a development arm of Church of Uganda – North Karamoja, as such, evangelism is an integral part of our program mission. We believe in empowering the poor and sharing the Gospel of Christ – this principle is based on the fact that a starving man cannot hear the gospel clearly because his needs for food overrides any other interest. Click header to read more..

Community Mobilization and Mindset Change

One the emerging barrier to uptake of development programs have been negative mindset towards development programs among the populates and this attitude can have far-reaching consequences on the lives of the people and society. Click header to read more..

Together, we can make a greater impact. Get Involved!!

We work with a number of partners and funders to realize our mission & vision, for which we greatly appreciate. We are open to more partnership and support towards greater impact in the communities where we serve.

Our Partners & Funders

We work with a number of partners and funders to realize our mission & vision, for which we greatly appreciate. We are open to more partnership and support towards greater impact in the communities where we serve. Click here to see the full list of our partners & sponsors..

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