• +256 (0) 777 504147
  • hello@dds-nk.org
  • Lodon Road, Kotido


  1. To improve food security and nutrition
  2. To increase the level of individual farmer and household income through in-come generating activities (IGAs).
  3. To reduce environmental degradation and mitigate impact of disaster.
  4. To increase access to clean and safe water.
  5. To increase the participation of men and women in the development process.
  6. To reduce incidences of gender based and domestic violence, child neglect and abuse.
  7. To increase access, retention and completion of education by children of school-going age.
  8. To increase awareness and mitigate impact of HIV&AIDS.
  9. To promote peace and harmony among different communities in and around Karamoja.
  10. To carry out research, lobby and advocate for the rights of the marginalized groups and individuals.
  11. To equip God’s people with knowledge and skills for holistic ministry.
  12. To provide emergency support to victims of disasters, especially famine and epidemics.
  13. To build and strengthen organizational capacity for competency to provide and deliver programs.