• +256 (0) 777 504147
  • hello@dds-nk.org
  • Lodon Road, Kotido

Improved Resilience, Food Security and Sustainable Development project

Project title: Improved Resilience, Food Security and Sustainable Development project

Duration: (months): 36 months

Year: 2018-2020

Location: Kotido District (Kacheri Sub-county)

Role of DDS-NK: Leader

Project objectives:

• Increased Food Production by 180 Targeted Households.

• Increased clean water available for households, Agriculture and Livestock use

• Improved income through savings and sale of garden produce g) Project results/achievements

• 44% of households reported to have harvested 6-10 bags of crops

• 79% of targeted farmer households reported water availability for households

• The average amount saved by each household per year from VSLA and sale of garden produce stood at UShs 108,835 per year

Total budget (USD): 82,400

Source of funding: Mennonite Central Committee(MCC).

Type of funding: Activity implementation.