• +256 (0) 777 504147
  • hello@dds-nk.org
  • Lodon Road, Kotido

Muria Samson Lomoe

Samson is a Field Officer for the USAID Integrated Community Agriculture Nutrition (ICAN) Activity in DDS-NK. Gooding monitors the day to day implementation by private partners, CSOs engaged by DDS-NK and community resource persons including the Village Health Teams (VHTs), BSPs, Governance Champions (GCs) and local leaders with the objectives of increasing economic opportunities, diversify livelihoods, improve the nutrition and strengthening effective and inclusive governance processes. He previously served with CRS, AVSI, Save the Children Uganda, and WFP.

Samson holds a Bachelor’s of Science (Economics and Statistics) of Uganda Martyrs University Nkozi.

Email: fieldoffice3@ddsnk.org smuria@dds-nk.org

Phone: +256784424473/0783308881