• +256 (0) 777 504147
  • hello@dds-nk.org
  • Lodon Road, Kotido

About the Diocese of North Karamoja

North Karamoja Diocese which was carved off from the then Church of Uganda, Karamoja Diocese in July 2007 is located at the far Northern end of Karamoja region bordering two countries of Kenya in the East and Southern Sudan in the North, and the districts of Kitgum and Pader in the West, Lira in the South West and Moroto in the South.

The Diocese comprises of 3 Districts of Kotido, Kaabong and Abim and has a population of about 600,000 which is made up of three main ethnic communities, namely the Jie and Dodoth who are basically pastoral and semi-nomadic with limited agricultural activities due to unreliable rainfall and the Labwor (Thur) who are basically agro-pastoral and more dependent on agricultural production