USAID/ICAN flagship Resilience Project
Duration (months): 24th August 2020 –March 2023
Year: 24th August 2020 –March 2023
Location: Kotido District (Kacheri, North Division, Rengen, Nakapelimoru Sub counties).
Project objectives
- Increase economic opportunities and diversify livelihoods for poor households.
- Improve the nutrition of children, adolescents, and women of reproductive age
- To strengthen effective and inclusive governance processes.
- Promoted the usage of rocket lorena stoves through BSPs across 29 villages with 741 households adopting the practice. •Promoted goat for milk interventions across 326 MIYCAN groups where 2772 mothers were reached.
- Promoted green gram growing and multiplication across the 20 villages, with 408 farmers reached (112 males and 296 females), so far 686.5kg of threshed green gram has been harvested from 17 demonstration sites.
- Promoted establishment of 302 perma gardens across 29 villages by Africa Innovations Research Institute
- The VHs rolled out the MIYCAN curriculum across the 326 homesteads/MIYCAN groups, where 2727 mothers and 4,727 children under 5 reached.
- Facilitated 9 live broadcasts and 8 DJ led discussions on WASH, food security, Education, natural resource management, governance and nutrition in all the 4 sub counties of Kotido
- Facilitated 9 District (DDMC) and 32 Sub County Disaster Management committee (SDMCs) meetings, with more than 76 (51m, 25f) members involved across the district. Core village resilience plans have been integrated into local government plans.
- Facilitated 8 (males) governance champions, 180 SMCs and PTAs members (127 males 53 females) from 14 schools to refine school development plans focusing on resilience aspect at school level
- Promoted chili production with 12 demo sites (6 acres) in 31 villages, where 765 farmers trained through BSPs on chili agronomy and management. 1170 farmers registered for production with 20 acres of chili under production.
Total budget: Ugx 1,139,763,450
Funding sources and types of funding: USAID through Abt Associates Inc.(‘’Abt’’)