Ogwaria Moris
Moris is the Project Officer for Improved Household Food Security and Household Incomes project funded by Mennonite Central Committee.
He supports the project beneficiaries in the community by conducting trainings on conservation agriculture and other agronomic practices, training on aspects of financial literacy and VSLA methodology, supporting them with conservation agriculture farm implements, and conducting gender dialogues.
Moris began his career as a Volunteered for Kotido District Local Government production department as an Intern, volunteered with Goal Uganda and also worked with Aridland Development Programme (ADP) Vocational Training Institute as an Instructure.
He holds a Diploma in Crop production and Management from Busitema University and is currently pursuing a degree in Agriculture from Uganda Martyrs University.
Email: projects@dds-nk.org mogwaria@dds-nk.org
Phone: +256784667181/0785078758