• +256 (0) 777 504147
  • hello@dds-nk.org
  • Lodon Road, Kotido

Increasing resilience of adolescents, young people and people living with HIV/AIDS to livelihood threats, and food and nutrition insecurity

Project title: Increasing resilience of adolescents, young people and people living with HIV/AIDS to livelihood threats, and food and nutrition insecurity.

Duration (months): 36 months

Year: 2018 -2020

Location: Kotido District (Panyangara and Rengen Sub counties)

Role of your organization: Leader

Project objectives:

To address socio-cultural and economic barriers that hinder HIV preventive behaviours and constrain timely access to sexual reproductive health, HIV prevention, treatment and care services among adolescents and youth 10-24 years

Project results/achievements:

• All community JFFLS have established functional village saving and loaning

• 80 out of 120 households of community-based JFFLS have replicated climate-smart technologies at household level

• All the 4 JFFLS groups have completed registration of their groups with district. This will position them to benefit from government programmes

• 2 out of 4 JFFLS Groups are now linked with other projects e.g. the Kitogogong group (Loputuk) got NUSAF tree planting, Nakoreto group now with chili production under USAID ICAN

Total budget: (USD) 44,711

Source of funding: UN FAO.

Type of Funding: Activity implementation.

FAO Field Level Coordination: Micheal.Lokiru@fao.org 0772 938 342